ILPRA, 2.3 mln agreement with leading EU producer of swaps
MILAN (AIMnews.it) – ILPRA has signed an agreement with a leading manufacturer on the European market for the supply of machinery for the production of swaps for pads and packaging machines, for a total value of about Euro 2.3 million.
“We are extremely satisfied to have signed this order for the supply of machines for the production of swops for pads and packaging machines. – explains Maurizio Bertocco, CEO of ILPRA – In an international context influenced by the Covid-19 emergency, Ilpra is reacting proactively, strengthening the pipeline of orders and providing its contribution through the distribution of medical production machinery. The strengthening of our order portfolio and the greater visibility on the European market allow us to face the final part of 2020 with greater optimism and gives us hope for the next financial year”.
As worlwide company operating all over the world ILPRA strongly believes in its ability to react and to satisfy the market demand for packaging urgent medical devices. Moreover this is ILPRA contribution to the safety of everyone and getting out of the emergency as soon as possible