MILAN (AIMnews.it) – ILPRA’s Board of Directors approved the draft Financial Statements and the Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 December 2020.
Revenues amounted to €32.4 million, +1% compared to €32.0 million in 2019. Those generated in Italy were €10.2 million compared to €11.3 million in 2019, representing 31% of the total (35% in 2019). Revenues realised abroad totalled €22.2 million, +7% compared to €20.7 million in 2019 and represented 69% of the total (65% in 2019), proving the effectiveness of the internationalisation strategy undertaken. The Value of production was €36.3 million, +5.8% compared to €34.4 million in 2019.
Gross profit margin amounted to €6.2 million, +36.8% compared to €4.5 million in 2019, corresponding to an EBITDA margin on sales revenue of 19.0%, increasing from 14.0% in 2019. Net profit margin amounted to €4.2 million, +54.1% (€2.7 million in 2019). The EBIT margin was 12.9%, up compared to 2019 (8.5%). Profit before Taxes is equal to €4.0 million, a significant increase of +62.9% compared to €2.4 million in 2019. Net Profit amounted to €3.2 million, with a +51.9% rise (€2.1 million in 2019). The Net Profit margin stands at 9.9%, showing an increase compared to 2019 (6.6%).
The Net Financial Position of €1.9 million recorded an improvement of €4.5 million compared to 31 December 2019 (€6.5 million), with liquid assets of €9.9 million (€3.1 million at 31 December 2019). Stockholders’ equity amounted to €21.1 million (€17.3 million at 31 December 2019).
During the 2020 financial year, in line with what we did in 2019, we continued our R&D activities for technological innovation. The aim was to significantly improve our production techniques and product range, focusing on technologies increasingly oriented towards energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, integrated production models and IoT technologies that allow us to provide customers with predictive maintenance services.
Maurizio Bertocco, President and CEO of ILPRA, comments: “For the ILPRA Group, 2020 ended with a positive performance in terms of marginality growth. This result is even more significant if we consider the global socio-economic context, confirming the sustainability of our business model, industrial project and the strategies pursued. We closed the year with double-digit growth in terms of EBITDA, EBIT and net profit, more than proportional to revenues. These results also allow us to announce for this year the distribution of a dividend of €0.06 per share with a pay-out ratio of 35%. We face 2021 with confidence and with a constant focus on Research and Development, which has always characterised us”. We proposed a gross ordinary dividend of €0.06 per share (35% pay-out ratio, 2.44% dividend yield), as well as the authorisation of the purchase and disposal of our own shares
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